Parent & Student

Current Parents & Students:

This page is dedicated to providing you with all the necessary information to navigate daily life at Riverside Preparatory Academy. From detailed policies to essential forms, you will find everything you need to stay informed and prepared below.

Interested Parents & Students:

Please contact us here to talk to one of our school leaders, schedule a school visit, or have us email you our visitor packet!

REQUIRED FORMS – BY LAW To ensure that the school is in compliance with all necessary state regulations and to maintain accurate and necessary information about all students entrusted to our care, the following forms will be required to be on file for all students:

  • Application Form and signed contract
  • Birth Certificate (or passport)
  • HRS Form 3040 (Physical Examination form)
  • HRS Form 680 (Immunization Record)
  • School records

The school will coordinate the transfer of student records from schools attended previously by newly-enrolled students. Should parental permission be required, the parents will be contacted to sign a release.

There are required forms that need to be read and understood. Please verify that you and your student have read and understand each section.

Please review and discuss these forms with each student:

ATTENDANCE All students are to be in their classrooms at 8:00 a.m. It is the parent’s responsibility to write a note stating the reason for each absence. Student absences will be recorded as unexcused until an acceptable excuse has been provided in writing by the parent, guardian, and/or physician indicating the reason for the student’s absence. The Florida State legislature requires students to be in attendance at least 90% of the days that classes are offered. Students missing eighteen (18) or more absences in a school year could be subject to

ARRIVAL/TARDIES/DEPARTURE Students must arrive each morning on time. It is imperative that students are in the classroom and prepared to begin class at 8:00 a.m. You may drop your child off at school at 7:30 a.m. School begins promptly at 8:00 a.m. Students not in their classrooms are considered tardy at 8:01 a.m. The student must go to the school office and sign in to receive a required pass. Students will not be admitted to class unless they have a required pass. A tardy will be excused if a doctor’s note is provided. Every attempt should be made to schedule doctors’ appointments after school hours. District and State policies state that “five tardies to school will equal one unexcused absence”. We urge that your child(ren) arrive at school at least five minutes before school commences so his/her day starts well. School dismisses at 2:45 p.m.

During school hours, parents are required to stop at the school office and sign in. Parents must obtain permission before entering into a classroom; for the safety of your children, it is important that the school be aware of who is on campus at all times. In an effort to reduce the number of classroom interruptions, we are asking for your cooperation when it becomes necessary to pick up your child(ren) before the end of the school day. All students should be picked up no later than 2:00pm, and we encourage appointments to be scheduled outside of the school day. There may be times when an early dismissal is unavoidable. For those times, students may be released to the parent or person designated on the student’s information card. For the safety of our students, staff, and parents, no student will be released for early dismissal after 2:00 p.m. The student must be signed out in the main office for security reasons. Please be prepared to present your identification.
If a student is to be picked up by anyone other than the parent or designated driver, those arrangements must be made in writing, in advance. No student will be released to a person not on the designated list without prior written permission.
Our elementary teachers will introduce and review pedestrian safety with our students during the month of August. Please support our efforts at home by reviewing Safety Tips for Walkers with your child. Always walk on the sidewalk, if there is no sidewalk and you have to walk on the road, always face traffic so you can see any car that might go out of control. Dress to be seen, brightly colored jackets make it easier for drivers to see you during the daytime. At night, you need to wear special reflective material on your shoes, cap, or jacket to reflect the headlights of cars coming toward you. Tips for crossing the street -Cross only at corners or marked crosswalks. Stop at the curb or the edge of the road. Stop and look left, then right, then left again, before you step into the street. If you see a car, wait until it goes by. Then look left, look right, and left again until no cars are coming. If a car is parked where you are crossing, make sure there is no driver in the car. Then go to the edge of the car and look left-right-left until no cars are coming. Keep looking for cars while you are crossing and remember, walk – don’t run. SICKNESS Daily school attendance is mandatory for your child’s success. However, children are very susceptible to different kinds of illnesses. It is important to know when to keep your child home from school. Not only will this improve your child’s health but it will also help prevent other children from getting sick. Here are some simple guidelines from the Lake Wales Polk County Health Department:

When NOT to Send Your Child to School

  • Red rashes/bumps
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Red, itchy eyes with yellow discharge
  • Swollen glands
  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Chills
  • Muscle pain
  • Headache
  • Sore throat
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Cramping, diarrhea
  • Nits, and live lice
  • Earache, runny nose, coughing up mucus

For the above illnesses, it is important to see a doctor for medication and recommendation when to send your child back to school. When your child is sick, wash his/her hands often and discourage the sharing of toys and food. Child must not have a fever and any other symptoms for 24 hours before they can come back to school. Upon feeling better, please get a doctor’s note that states your child is no longer contagious and can return to school. Also, any rash or open sore that is weeping any type of fluid needs evaluation and necessary medication to ensure the child does not have a condition that is contagious to the other children. If a child is sent to school with any of the above symptoms they will be isolated and sent home.

ABSENT NOTES On a daily basis, student absences will be recorded as unexcused until an acceptable excuse has been provided by the parent or guardian in writing. Written absence notes should be turned into the classroom teacher who will send them to the main office daily. In order to receive credit for a class, legislation requires students be in attendance at least 90% of the days that classes are offered and provide a signed and dated note that indicates the reason for each absence.

Teachers are also expected to call the parents when a child has not been in school for two days. A child who attends only part of the school day, but presents the office with a signed and dated note from a physician, will be counted as present for that school day.

EXTENDED ABSENCE DUE TO SERIOUS ILLNESS/BEREAVEMENT When a student is absent due to a serious illness or death in the immediate family, the absence will be excused. In the case of an extended illness, a doctor’s note must be provided.

CONTAGIOUS DISEASES Any pupil with contagious or communicable disease or any child who has been exposed to someone who is a carrier of a disease shall be excluded from school as directed by the regulations of the Board of Health.

CODE OF STUDENT CONDUCT We use the Polk County Schools Code of Conduct. A copy will be shared with you to review with your child(ren), sign and return to school. Both you and your child are required to sign and return the signature page acknowledging receipt and understanding of the School’s Code of Conduct. If you have any questions on this Code of Student Conduct, please contact the School. CHANGE OF ADDRESS It is important for the safe and effective communication that we have current address and contact information. Change of address, e-mail address, or telephone number should be reported immediately to the school office and teacher in writing, as we communicate with our families using all of these methods. Per policy, address verification must be provided any time your address changes.

CLASSROOM VISITS Riverside Preparatory Academy at this time will limit classroom visits to keep staff and children safe. Any visits, even for volunteering purposes, must be authorized and arranged with the teacher in advance. Parents must register in the school office. Parents may not go directly to the classroom without checking in at the office. Masks are recommended but not required. For the safety of your children, it is important that the school be aware of who is on campus at all times. If the parent leaves before the end of the school day, he/she must sign out in the school office. If parents need to drop something off for their children, they must bring it to the office –not directly to the classroom. We have a holding area for all items and the office will then call the teacher for the child to retrieve the item.

CLOSED CAMPUS The school operates as a closed-campus. Students may not leave the campus at any time unless it is for a pre-arranged appointment and prior notice has been provided to the Administration. NO ONE will be permitted anywhere on campus without a name badge with the exception of students and paid employees. Please cooperate with staff members who request your compliance with this policy.

In order to stay committed to the health and safety of our students and staff, volunteers will not be permitted in school until further notice.

VOLUNTEER GUIDELINES Volunteering at school is one way to get involved in your child’s education. Volunteers contribute in many ways, including accompanying classes on field trips or helping as classroom assistants. Parent volunteers get a close-up view of their child’s school. Seeing how children are taught also can give you ideas on how to help your child at home. Our volunteer program and the Partners in Education program links businesses and organizations with schools in relationships that enhance student learning and promote school improvement. Riverside Preparatory Academy is always looking for businesses to join with the school to educate our young people for a better tomorrow.
All volunteers/visitors must sign in at the front office to receive a volunteer/visitor badge before going to the classroom. This badge must be worn throughout the school day. Please remember to dress in clean neat appropriate clothing when volunteering; you are representing your child and the school.

Fundraising Event, School Grounds, School Pictures, Testing, Yearbook, Office Work, Teacher Appreciation Week, School Field Trips, Parent Tutoring, Donations, and School Cleanup.

BACKGROUND CHECKS Riverside Preparatory Academy requires all persons employed by the school to be subject to background and drug testing as well as fingerprinting. Persons who volunteer in any capacity with children are subject to a background check.

BEHAVIOR AND DISCIPLINE We believe learning takes place in an orderly environment. It is our goal to establish and maintain an organized environment in which instruction is effective and learning is facilitated. Our policy is to use strategies that will promote the development of self- regulation and foster acceptance of responsibility for behavior. Attached please find our discipline policy. If you have any questions, please contact the School.

PARENT EXPECTATIONS Riverside Preparatory Academy expects parents to be knowledgeable of the Student and Parent Handbook and to adhere to the policies and procedures stated therein so that maximum learning can take place for all students. There is also the expectation that all parents will communicate and problem-solve using the proper internal channels. Parents with a concern should begin with the classroom teacher. If the issue is not resolved, the parents should then speak with the Administrator. It is our expectation that all faculty members will be treated respectfully and professionally (see Faculty Member Professional Status in this handbook). All Riverside Preparatory Academy family members are expected to support the school’s mission so that educational goals are realized. Parents who are abusive to staff jeopardize qualification for continued enrollment of their children.


  • Voice Mail – During instructional time, teachers are unable to accept calls; however, parents are welcome to send the teacher a text or email, and they will respond after school hours. Please also use the school office personnel to leave messages or leave voicemail messages. Emergency messages for students may be called in to the school office and/or Administrators. The administrative staff will make sure the students receive them. Please note, it is very difficult to ensure delivery of non-emergency messages called in after 3:00 p.m. Students will not be taken from class to come to the telephone to speak with a parent unless it is an emergency. The school’s phone may be utilized by students with teacher or administrator’s consent.
  • Electronic Mail – E-mail is one of the ways the teachers, as well as the school, communicates with parents. If parents do not have access to email, please contact our technical staff for recommended alternatives for internet access and e-mail. The e-mail address parents provide may be a home, work and/or reliable relative or friend email address, whichever is preferred. Teachers do not engage in email correspondence during class time.
  • School Announcements -Teachers may have a classroom newsletter that is individual to their classes. Parent updates are sent home by email, text, phone call, and/or parent letter.

PARENT-TEACHER CONFERENCES To ensure that teachers concentrate on their daily duties, we ask that if you wish to have a Parent-Teacher conference that you arrange it ahead of time with the front office. It is only through close home and school cooperation and communication that the true educational ideas of Riverside Preparatory Academy can be achieved. Even though e- mailing and texting are convenient methods of communication, they do not take the place of an actual parent-teacher conference.

REPORT CARDS AND INTERIM REPORTS Report cards are sent home every nine weeks to provide information about your child’s progress in school, including grades, behavior and attendance. Grades reflect a teacher’s assessment of your child’s classroom performance on tests, projects, checklists, classroom observations, portfolio assessment, journaling, and so on. A teacher may indicate on the report card that a conference is needed. Please contact your child’s teacher if you have any questions on your child’s progress in school.

GRADING Report Cards are sent home every nine (9) weeks to provide information about your child’s progress in school, including grades, behavior and attendance. Grades reflect a teacher’s assessment of your child’s classroom performance based upon tests, projects, checklists and classroom observations. A teacher may indicate on the report card that a conference is needed. Please contact your child’s teacher if you have any questions on your child’s progress in school.
Midway through the grading period, each child takes home a progress report so that the student and the parents or guardians will have an idea of how the student is progressing. If needed, a parent or guardian may request a weekly progress report.

Grading Scale
Face to Face Grade Breakdown for Core Classes

90% – 100% A Classwork/Participation 30%
80% – 89% B Homework 10%
70% – 79% C Quizzes 30%
60% – 69% D Tests 30%
59% and below F

If a student is insubordinate and unwilling to conform to school rules and regulations. The parent is contacted by the teacher.

ACADEMIC IMPROVEMENT PLAN PROCESS Any student who does not meet specific levels of performance in reading, writing, science and mathematics for each grade must be provided with additional diagnostic assessments to determine the nature of the student’s difficulty and areas of academic need. The school must develop and implement, in consultation with the student’s parent, an Academic Improvement Plan to assist the student.

STUDENT PROGRESSION Each student’s progression to the next grade level is based on proficiency in reading, writing, science and mathematics, including specific levels of performance on statewide assessments at selected grade levels. Retention decisions are based on more than a single test score. Students who do not meet those performance level must receive remediation or be retained within an intensive program that is different from the prior year’s program. For retained students in all grades, subsequent mid-year promotion is permitted if performance requirements are met.
The Administrator has the responsibility for all final decisions regarding initial placement, non-promotion and promotion with remediation. Decisions will be based on the instructional needs of the child.

TEACHER QUALIFICATIONS The school hires highly qualified teachers. We will notify parents whose children may be in the classroom with a teacher who is teaching out of their field of certification. Out of field teachers must take yearly courses to obtain extended certification in the subject areas that are being taught. You may learn more about this by contacting the Principal.

FACULTY MEMBER PROFESSIONAL STATUS Riverside Preparatory Academy believes that one of the key elements of a successful learning experience is the professional status of teachers and staff. Professional standards have been established for faculty members that must be met for an individual to remain employed with Riverside Preparatory Academy. These standards include both professional growth expectations and also ethical and business behaviors. Professional growth does not only require that our faculty members act professionally, but that they are also treated professionally. We do not condone or allow unprofessional treatment of our faculty members. This includes verbal, physical, or written abuse (including notes, e-mail or text messages). Examples of behavior from students, parents, or other members of the community that will not be tolerated are:

  • Loud or boisterous dialogue
  • Screaming, cursing, or yelling during parent-teacher conferences, conversations and/or telephone calls
  • Physical threats
  • Harassment of any type
  • Speaking poorly of a teacher to other members of the faculty (does not refer to complaints to the proper administrative team members)
  • Soliciting of negative opinions from other parents, students, and/or teachers
  • Disrespect and/or unauthorized use of faculty member’s personal and private life including home telephone calls, unless invited to do so by the faculty member.

If such behavior is demonstrated, faculty members have been directed to immediately stop a conference or telephone session and direct the parent or visitor to the Administrator. Riverside Preparatory Academy considers continual occurrences of such behavior as detrimental to the educational process, not in line with our philosophy of the educational community, and may result in a request that the parent(s) withdraw their child(ren) from the school.

PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION The school must be notified in writing of all prescription medications being taken by a student. This information is required by the school in order to respond properly to emergencies, as well as to respond appropriately in the educational process. The school will assist parents in the dispensing of prescription medication to a student upon the following terms in accordance with school policies:

  1. When possible all medication shall be administered outside school hours.
  2. Instructions on the use of a prescription shall be provided by a physician or pharmacist.
  3. All medications shall be delivered to the office and must be in the original container and have a pharmacy label which includes the child’s full name, doctor’s name and telephone number with the following information provided in writing by the student’s physician:
    A. name and purpose of medication
    B. time the medication is to be given
    C. specific instructions on the administration of the medication
    D. approximate duration of medication
    E. a list of any possible side effects
    F. permission for school officials to administer medication
  4. The first dosage of any new medication shall not be administered during school hours due to the possibility of an allergic reaction.
  5. Medication kept at school shall be stored in a locked place with the student’s name attached and shall be accessible only to staff members who are authorized to administer said medication.
  6.  A record shall be kept on each student who received medication during school hours including the time each dose of medication was administered.
  7. Over-the-counter medications will only be administered if it accompanies a doctor’s prescription. Under such conditions, nurses, clinical aides or other employees designated by the principal may administer over-the-counter medication with prior written parental authorization. All medications must be in the original container.
  8. All changes in dosage or discontinuation must be made by a written statement from the parent(s) or guardian(s).
  9. All medication must be picked up by the parent at the end of the school year or upon discontinuation of use, whichever occurs first
  10. The parent(s) or guardian(s) are responsible for instructing the student to report to the designated dispensing area and the school assumes no responsibility with respect thereto.
  11. A student diagnosed with asthma, or a severe allergic condition, may carry a metered dose inhaler and/or Epi-Pen for emergency use. As with any other medication, a signed authorization form must be filed with the school and a second inhaler or Epi- Pen stored there.
  12. There shall be no liability for civil damages as a result of the administration of the medication when the person administering the medication acts as an ordinarily reasonably prudent person would have acted under the same or similar circumstances.

NON-PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION Students are prohibited from bringing non-prescription medication to school and keeping it in their possession or backpacks and/or providing such medication to fellow classmates. Inhalers and/or Epi-Pens may be carried for emergency use with the proper authorizations. All medication must be picked up at the end of the school year. All medication not picked up at that time will be destroyed.

HURRICANE/TROPICAL STORM/EMERGENCY PLAN In the event of a state/county emergency, we would like to inform you that once the emergency conditions are lifted, we will be assessing the school safety for our children; we hope this may take only 24 hours.

If such an emergency arises during school hours, parents may sign-out their children from the school office. Students not picked up will be dismissed at the regular dismissal hours. Riverside Preparatory Academy will use a telephone contact tree to convey the status. Hazardous weather drills are conducted as required by the State of Florida throughout the school year.

MEDIA CONSENT POLICY Unless disapproval is submitted in writing by the student’s parent or guardian, it is assumed that the school has permission to publish the student’s image in the school, local newspaper, brochures, on the Internet, or in any other media approved by the administration.

ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT Students are required to turn off cellular phones during the school day. Phones must be turned into teachers at the beginning of class if the student does not have a backpack. Students are permitted to use cellular phones ONLY after school hours. Students are not allowed to have electronic games during the school day. Other distractors not allowed on campus during school hours are:

  • Radios/cassettes/CD players/iPods
  • Trading/playing cards
  • Skateboards/roller blades/scooters
  • Action figures, dolls, basketballs, baseballs, footballs, etc.
  • Non-educational items

If any of the above is found in the possession of the student during school hours, the administration/faculty member will confiscate it. The confiscated item will be available in the school office or with the teacher for parent pick up.

TECHNOLOGY will be used to research specific knowledge and to communicate this knowledge to others. Computers are seen as a tool for mastering knowledge and skills, rather than an end in themselves. In grades Kindergarten and up, computer stations are integrated into each classroom.
Closely connected with mastery of basic knowledge is the acquisition of positive attitudes and behaviors, which are essential for success in an advanced academic setting. These include hard work, personal responsibility, the ability to work cooperatively and constructively with others, a sense of fairness, and the self-discipline to initiate and complete projects.

SAFETY AND SECURITY With the changing world, Riverside Preparatory Academy has safety and security procedures in place and will continue to be diligent at developing and enforcing policies that protect our students. In the event of a National Security Alert, we will communicate updated procedures to all families.

If a student becomes ill or injured at school, parents are notified as soon as possible. If necessary, parents will be asked to come to the office and sign the student out. Students will not be released to anyone except parents or their designated representatives. All health emergencies are reported to the office immediately. The office will call 911 if required.

Parents are encouraged to provide as much information as possible to the school about their child’s allergy so that teachers, staff, and office personnel can be fully informed. Documentation from your child’s doctor, including diagnosis, symptoms, and medications are essential. At the beginning of each school term, parents are required to provide updated and current information regarding the child’s medical condition and to immediately notify the school in writing should the child’s condition change at any point in time.

A student information form will be provided for parents to fill out and sign prior to the start of each school year and kept on file in the office. This will provide any medical information, emergency contacts, and family physician. It is the responsibility of the parent to notify the school of any changes to this form as the year progresses.

STRUCTURED PHYSICAL EDUCATION The Florida Legislature recently established guidelines for Physical Education. One of the components is that every child is actively engaged in some structured physical activity each day. Unless there is a documented medical excuse, no child may sit out or opt out from this program. Nutrition lessons will also be included as part of this new curriculum. This is an important part of your child’s educational day. Please make sure your child has appropriate closed-in rubber-soled footwear. Students wearing inappropriate footwear to school will be sent to the office to call home for shoes.

CHARACTER EDUCATION Riverside Preparatory Academy emphasizes character development throughout the day through our character education program. We will be acknowledging various students and staff members who will be picked for special recognition throughout the year for their demonstrating and implementation of the qualities exemplified in the program.

August—Respect, Kindness
October—Responsibility, Self-Discipline
December—Caring, Compassion
January—Fairness, Justice
February—Honesty, Integrity
March—Perseverance, Courage
April—Citizenship, Cooperation
May—Joy, Gratitude
June—Listening to Others

STUDENT RESPONSIBILITY It is the responsibility of all students to conduct themselves as ladies and gentlemen. In all their activities, they should be governed by a proper application of self-discipline and a sense of individual responsibility. These qualities form the indispensable foundation for a happy existence in a democratic community. We are a community bound together by trust and respect for one another. Students are to respect the faculty and each other in word and deed. It is expected that students will show concern for others and that problems will be dealt with in a spirit of mutual respect. Each student must accept responsibility for his/her conduct and integrity in all academic work. Students must respect the campus and the property of others. Students are not to litter or deface any school property. We are all responsible for keeping our campus neat and orderly.

HOMEWORK Meaningful practice at home is meant to further understanding of a subject. Students should expect daily homework, which may take the form of reading and summarizing, an assignment, long-term project, test review, organization, or regular review of notes. The amount of time a student needs to do homework varies from day to day, student to student, and subject to subject. The faculty attempts to gear assignments so that only a reasonable amount of time will be required, considering the subject matter and individual student needs and abilities. The school urges each student to plan after-school activities wisely so that adequate time is provided for homework. Careful planning of time will allow for completed homework assignments as well as the development of personal responsibility.

PREPARATION FOR CLASS It is the student’s responsibility to be prepared for class. Students must arrive to each class prepared with assignments, supplies, and books.
MAKE-UP WORK Students will be permitted to make up work for full credit with an excused absence. School work assigned or due on missed days due to an unexcused absence will not be accepted for credit.
LATE WORK Due dates and deadlines are given for a reason. Therefore, late work is NOT encouraged or accepted on a regular basis. For major projects and papers, absences do not excuse late work. The assignments must be delivered to school. A student’s grade will be reduced for late work. If unconstructive patterns are identified, parents will be contacted.

UNIFORM POLICY The dress and grooming of students shall contribute to the health and safety of the individual, promote a positive educational environment, and not disrupt the educational activities and processes of the school. These minimum standards of dress and grooming apply to all students unless a specific exemption is granted by the Administrator. Any request for an exemption shall be made in writing to the Administrator.


TOPS K-12: Royal blue polo shirts or t-shirts with Riverside logo—available for purchase
BOTTOMS: Solid color khaki long pants, solid color khaki shorts, solid color khaki uniform style dress and/or skirts with shorts worn underneath.
In addition, please place your child in comfortable, safe shoes.
Hoodies are not allowed to be worn at school. Platform shoes (including athletic shoes with platforms) are not permitted. No heels, crocs, and/or sandals. No open-toe or backless shoes are permitted. No jumpers. No rolling backpacks. No dangling earrings. Students not in compliance with the uniform policy will be written up and will receive consequences. In addition, the Administration and Teachers have the option of contacting parents to pick up their child or bring the appropriate school-uniform clothing.

On non-uniform days, the following dress code will be enforced:

  •  Clothes shall be worn as they are designed – suspenders over the shoulders, pants secured at the waist, belts buckled, no underwear as outerwear, no underwear exposed.
  • Clothing with holes, tears or inappropriate patches will not be allowed.
  • Bare midriffs and bare sides should not show even when arms are extended above the head.
  • Clothing normally worn when participating in a school sponsored extracurricular
    or sports activity may be worn to school when approved by the Administrator.
  • Clothing that is too tight or revealing is unacceptable.
  • Shoes shall be worn. The Following are NOT acceptable: Heels, Thong sandals, Cleated or Backless shoes. The following items have potential to cause disruption or threat to a safe and positive school environment and are prohibited:
  • Hats, caps, visors, sunglasses or bandanas while on campus during the day. Chains hanging from the neck, belt, pocket or attached to the wallet.
  • Jewelry that contains any type of sharp object.
  • Hemlines of shorts and skorts shall be no shorter than mid-thigh.
  • Sleeves of shirts/blouses must follow the four-finger wide rule at the shoulders.


  • In cold weather, students may wear any color sweatshirt with the RPA logo—available for purchase.


  • Sit in office until parents come with correct uniform for the day
  • Loner clothing
  • Rope/String for belt

Students are required to wear school uniform each day as outlined in the Parent Handbook. A student who attends school out of dress code will be sent to the office to change into uniform clothes.

PARTY INVITATIONS Birthday and similar type party invitations MAY NOT be distributed in school unless the entire class is invited. There are NO exceptions to this rule.

SALES THROUGH SCHOOL Pupils are not to sell anything through the auspices of the school such as seeds, magazines, candy, food, tickets to events, which are not school-sponsored. All sponsored events are to be approved a minimum of 4 weeks in advance by the Administrator.

USE OF SCHOOL NAME No pupil or staff of the school shall take part in any publication, entertainment, sport or other enterprise in the name of the school, without the express written approval and supervision of the Administrator.

NO SMOKING POLICY Tobacco Policy: It is the policy of the School to provide clean air and a workplace that is conducive to the health and safety of employees, students, and visitors by prohibiting the use of tobacco products on the grounds of the schools, including all school vehicles, and at all school events/activities. It is expected that this policy will be carried out through cooperation between smokers and nonsmokers. Members of the public using the facility shall be informed of these regulations and be required to conform to them.
WEAPONS Section 37 of the Education Reform Act of 1993, requires all school department personnel to report in writing to their immediate supervisor any incident involving a student’s possession or use of a dangerous weapon on school premises at any time. Supervisors who receive such reports are required to file copies with the local Chief of Police, Department of Social Services, local office of Special Services and the School Advisory Committee.

FIELD TRIP EXPERIENCE The field trip experience is an outgrowth of curriculum in all grades throughout the school year. Parents or guardians are required to sign school-approved permission slips for all field trips. School insurance and school policy require that all students be taken directly from school to the field trip venue, and afterwards, from the field trip directly back to school. Students will not be dismissed to parents at the field trip sight. Due to the supervisory responsibilities of all chaperones, younger and older siblings cannot be brought on class field trips. Uniform guidelines will be issued for each field trip. The student must be in the proper uniform to be permitted on the field trip. (See Uniform Requirements)
Parent-chaperones recognize that their roles on the field trips are solely to assist the faculty members in this experience. Faculty members and parent chaperones will meet before the field trip to ensure appropriate supervision is in place.

Parent-chaperones must have completed the Chaperone form at the beginning of the year and be checked and approved prior to each trip.
Please remember that field trips are designed to be an educationally enriching experience for your child. We encourage parents to attend in order to share that experience with your child. It is imperative that as a chaperone you model appropriate behavior at all times. If the teachers determine that you are not displaying model behavior (arguing, using inappropriate language, and so on), you will be asked to disengage from the students for the duration of the field trip. Chaperones requiring this type of intervention will be barred from chaperoning any future trips.

Please note: We understand that our family units are diverse, and that sometimes a child may have more than one household. Occasionally a child’s parent from different households may want to chaperone.

We cannot choose which parent may attend. We encourage families to work through these issues among themselves. We accept chaperones on a first come first serve basis. Remember, disruption on a field trip for any reason will require the chaperone to disengage from the students and those parents will be barred from chaperoning any future trips.

SCHOOL-SPONSORED ACTIVITIES School-sponsored activities are defined as (1) events organized by a member of the administration or faculty (2) events approved by the administration but organized by an agency; (3) events published on the school’s yearly calendar; or (4) events that receive the school’s support organizations.

  1.  School-sponsored activities must comply with the school’s stated educational goals.
  2. School-sponsored activities require the attendance of at least one member of the administration or faculty.
  3. Students who do not attend our school may not attend school-sponsored activities, except with the explicit permission of a member of the administration.
  4. Students absent from school may not attend a school-sponsored event on the same day without permission from the Principal.
  5. The school will provide parents timely information about school-sponsored activities. The administration must approve all written communications to parents concerning such activities.
  6. The administration must approve all proposed activities and their dates and determine the number of chaperones necessary.
  7. Only school-sponsored activities will receive support from the school (e.g., free copying services, mailings, telephone usage, advertising, and use of supplies).

All employees and agents of a public school district, charter school or private school have an obligation and legal responsibility to report misconduct by instructional personnel and school administrators which affects the health, safety or welfare of a student

Obscene language
Drug and alcohol use
Disparaging comments
Prejudice or bigotry
Sexual innuendo
Testing violations
Physical aggression
Acceptance or offering of favors

If someone tells you about
misconduct, be a LEADER

Act immediately

Failure to report misconduct may result in penalties up to termination of employment and revocation of an educator’s certificate

Report to:
(your school or district contact information below)
Name: Estrella Douglas
Title: Superintendent
Phone: 407-237-9329

At Riverside Preparatory Academy, we believe in the importance of a well-rounded education that extends beyond the classroom. To support our students’ diverse interests and talents, we are pleased to share a curated list of local extracurricular, sports, and hobby options in the local area. These recommendations offer enriching experiences in various fields, allowing students to explore their passions and develop new skills. The list includes:

  • Dance Studios
  • Martial Arts Studios
  • Art Schools/Studios
  • Theater & Performing Arts Groups
  • Music Schools & Programs
  • Gymnastics Centers
  • Other Sports Programs
  • STEM Programs
  • Cooking Schools & Programs
  • Scout Organizations



Important notes:

  • The recommendations on this list are separated by those with special offers for Riverside students first, followed by the rest of the verified options we pulled together.
  • Please note, businesses are not in a priority order, but rather, listed in order of distance (shortest to longest) from our school.
  • Any costs associated with these programs or businesses are not covered or supported by Riverside Preparatory Academy and are the responsibility of the parents.
  • We are in progress of acquiring promotional discounts or opportunities from all the businesses on this list. We will update it accordingly if and when these are acquired.